Defects Caused by Improper Pressing: Reverse Spine Roll

Posted on 8/15/2013

The reverse spine roll technique is controversial because it forces a comic into a state that never existed.

Reverse spine roll (RSR) is the newest defect resulting from pressing. Unlike all the others, this one is intentional, making it particularly controversial. Rather than attempting to return a book to its original state through methods that neither add nor take away from a comic book, the RSR technique forces a comic into a state that never existed. The most consistent telltale sign is the fanned pages along the upper right edge of the front cover, which can range from extremely minor (1/64”) to noticeably large (1/8”). For larger rolls and GA books, disassembly may be utilized.

Another less consistent sign of RSR is the spine line, now shifted slightly onto the back cover. How conspicuous it is depends on the amount of wear the spine line exhibited prior to being rolled back.

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