Our Favorite Comic Book Characters - Part 1
Posted on 9/6/2013
Galactus — also known as Maker, Devourer of Worlds, Eater-of-Worlds and Ravager of Worlds — is the sole survivor of the universe that existed before the Big Bang. Galactus is perhaps the most feared being in the cosmos. Beyond good and evil, forced to destroy entire worlds to survive, Galactus is intimately tied to the nature of the universe. He believes it is his destiny to ultimately give back to the universe much more than he has taken. Although Galactus is usually represented in humanoid form, each sentient being perceives him in a form that resembles that of his own race; humans see him as humanoid and Skrulls as Skrullian.
Dan Wiseman, CGC Grader
Since this was one of the early titles I collected, I've always had a certain affinity for the Promethea series. "You don't wanna go looking for folklore. And you especially don't want folklore to come looking for you." This is the warning Barbara gives Sophie in the beginning of the comic Promethea, but Sophie just can’t resist the challenge. I find that the appeal of the character Promethea is not just her magic and mythology, but also that she takes on different characteristics for each person she embodies, which shows her vulnerability and human side. The incorporation of various types of magic and religion, including Tarot and Kabala, is very instrumental in developing the character as a highly enlightened being but also one who is always learning and growing. I find that she is a very intricately developed person, and each time I read the comics I seem to discover something new.
Gemma Adel, CGC Grader
Though other characters may come and go, the perennial Marvel character of the 60s will always be my favorite. Seeming more like the everyman than other superheroes, Spidey has down-to-earth problems that we mere mortals can relate to, in addition to the many super-villains he battles. And his sense of responsibility has always struck a chord with me. This is a character who strives to do the right thing and will move the earth to do it.
Brad Bradley, CGC Grader, Marvel Specialist
Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom is the world’s greatest super villain. This is not my opinion, it is a provable fact I will now lay out for you. Victor Von Doom, like many great villains, believes himself to be a hero — and sometimes he is. Doom simply thinks the world needs him to take it over; that without his genius to guide us we will destroy ourselves. Doom is cold and calculated. He is as intelligent as Mister Fantastic, as tech-savvy as Iron Man and as knowledgeable in the arcane arts as Doctor Strange. In fact, his biggest weakness is his own arrogance, which has undone his own plans on numerous occasions. Why does he allow himself to think he's incapable of making mistakes? Because most of the time he's right. I know some people prefer their super villains to be more on the psychopathic side, like the Joker or Bullseye, but given the preparation time, Doom could out-evil any of them. He's just more interested in the big picture. Violent murder sprees are beneath him. On top of all that, he's the leader and dictator of his own country, he has an army of robot duplicates and a time machine in his Castle (it’s true; he let Squirrel Girl use it once.) Also, Doom wears a metal mask at all times — to obscure his deformed face, and because it makes him look super cool. What more could you want from a bad guy?
Matt Dakan, CGC Grader, Modern Age Specialist
Look for more of our favorite characters in Part Two of this series in October.
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