CGC Announces In-House Private Signing with Comic Book Writer and Editor Ralph Macchio

Posted on 11/16/2023

CGC welcomes comic writer and editor Ralph Macchio!

CGC Signature Series is excited to announce that we will be hosting an exclusive In-House Private Signing with comic book writer and editor Ralph Macchio. During his outstanding time with Marvel Comics, he has both written and edited countless comics for the publisher's vast catalog of titles.

Macchio began his comics career in 1976 as an assistant editor on Marvel's black-and-white line of magazines including Planet of the Apes, Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, Doc Savage, Marvel Preview and Rampaging Hulk. There he remained for several years and was also Roy Thomas' East Coast editorial liaison on Savage Sword of Conan. Later, under Special Projects editor Rick Marschall he assisted on such special titles as Warriors of the Shadow Realm, Star Lord and Jaws. he also scripted several film adaptations such as Dune, Independence Day and Meteor. He was the writer of the second Kiss Special. He also had extended scripting runs on Marvel-Two-In-One where he created Project: Pegasus and Mighty Thor. Macchio worked under another Special Projects editor, Lynn Graeme on such black-and-white titles as Tomb of Dracula, Howard the Duck and the color magazine, Hulk.

He was promoted to full editor in the early 1980s, where he initially oversaw such titles as Rom: Spaceknight, Micronauts, Crystar, U.S. 1 and Dazzler. After several years on these books he was given some of Marvel's mainstream comics to edit such as Mighty Thor (including the majority of the Walt Simonson run), Fantastic Four (including the entirety of Simonson's run), Avengers, Captain America (including the initial Mark Waid/Ron Garney tenure) and Daredevil (including Frank Miller and David Mazzucelli's Born Again storyline) and the Ann Nocenti/John Romita Jr. run) He also edited the Frank Miller/John Romita Jr., Man Without Fear limited series. In the 1990s, Macchio became editor of the four main Spider-Man titles, finishing the Clone Saga and beginning a new era for the character. He also wrote the six-issue series Solomon Kane with the final issue penciled by Mike Mignola and edited the Kull the Conqueror series for nearly two years in the late 80s.

In 2000, Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada assigned Macchio the editing of the new Ultimate comics line, including Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Fantastic Four and Ultimates. Later, Quesada and Publisher Dan Buckley assigned him to oversee the Stephen King material Marvel had acquired including an expansion of the Dark Tower novels and an adaptation of The Stand, as well as King's short story N. He returned briefly to editing Mighty Thor and Iron Man as well as numerous custom comics and licensed properties. He retired from the staff in 2011 after 35 years. Macchio continues his relationship with Marvel having recently been the consulting editor on the Conan titles. He keeps his hand in on scripting the occasional one shot issue for mainstream characters before their respective films are released such as Thor, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Ant Man and Guardians of the Galaxy.

For this exclusive event, ALL CGC members, including free CGC members, can submit books directly to CGC headquarters in Sarasota, Florida. CGC must receive all submissions for this event by Friday, January 19, 2024. 

If the In-House Private Signing needs to be rescheduled, CGC will securely store all submissions in its vault until the event can be rescheduled. 

After Macchio signs the submitted books, CGC will grade and encapsulate them with an estimated turnaround time of six weeks. If CGC pressing is also requested, the turnaround time is estimated at eight weeks. After grading and encapsulation, the collectibles will be shipped back to their owners.

The CGC In-House Private Signing fee for Ralph Macchio is $85 per item and includes: 

  • Ralph Macchio’s signature 
  • Estimated turnaround time of six weeks for CGC grading 
  • Estimated turnaround time of eight weeks for CGC grading and CGC pressing (an additional $20 fee applies for CGC pressing)  
  • Encapsulation with the iconic yellow CGC Signature Series label   

Submission Instructions 

For this CGC Private Signing event, you can ship submissions directly to CGC with a FREE membership. Paid memberships are also available and include additional benefits. For more information and to join, visit

To submit books for the signing: 

  • Log onto your account or sign up for an account HERE.
  • Click Submit in the CGC website navigation and select Submission Forms
  • Next to Comics / Magazines, select Online Form.
  • Select Comic or Magazine from the drop-down menu, then select Private Signing and one of the following from the dropdown menu section:
  • Under Services, select Grading and, if you would like it, Pressing. Then hit Next in the top right section of the form.
  • Enter the information requested for your comic, and make sure to check the box next to RALPH MACCHIO under Private Signing Details.
  • On the next screen, you can add one of CGC’s custom Marvel labels to your submission for qualifying books.
  • Select Add to Cart, and then repeat if there are additional books in your submission. If there are no additional books in your submission, click on the cart icon and proceed to checkout.
  • Note: If you want to submit magazines, please group them together on their own private signing form separate from comic submissions. The same rule applies for any custom labels. Please group them together on their own private signing form separate from non-custom labels. To see the available labels, click HERE.
  • Put ALL ungraded books in window bags or they will not be accepted. You can purchase window bags HERE.
  • Books that are already certified by CGC, including CGC Signature Series books, can be submitted for this event. CGC will remove a CGC-certified book from its holder for an additional $5 fee.
  • Carefully package books in a box for shipment. If you need a CGC shipping kit, they can be purchased HERE.
  • IMPORTANT: Please write RM on all sides of the outside of the box. You must initial outside of the box or we will not be able to honor the submission for this signing. 
  • Books will be received into the CGC system when they arrive and will be safely stored by CGC until the event. (Please note: Payments are processed as they normally are at the time of the collectibles’ arrival at CGC.)
  • Once books are signed, they will start an expedited CGC grading process. 


All submissions must be received by CGC no later than Friday, January 19, 2024, to qualify for this private signing event. No change requests will be accepted after Friday, January 19, 2024.

*No Multi-Sigs included with other signings.

**If you submit a CGC-graded collectible that needs to be removed from its original holder by CGC, the collectible will need to go through the certification and encapsulation process again, and there is no guarantee that it will receive the same grade.

***Marker color requests are welcome, but not guaranteed. Marker color choice and signature placement is at the final discretion of the signer. 

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