Defects Caused by Improper Pressing: Disassembly
Posted on 5/6/2014
People who have difficulty pressing spines often resort to disassembly. Prior to pressing becoming commonplace in the market over the last decade, disassembly was mainly done to restore a book (typically to clean a cover, replace staples, or apply support to the spine or staple areas of a cover and / or centerfold). Removing and re-inserting staples is very difficult to do without enlarging the staple holes on a cover, risking tears, loosening centerfolds or causing crooked alignment. Even though disassembly alone is not considered restoration by CGC, its use can diminish the tight, straight appearance of a staple in the cover, which can adversely affect otherwise high-grade comics.
Read the previous articles on warping, flaring, reverse spine roll , staining, cover shrinkage, spine indents, cockling, pebbling, gloss streaks and staple impressions.
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